Vintage Motorcycles, Epic Rides

Speed Deluxe Vintage Adventures

Love vintage motorcycles and looking for a motorcycle adventure unlike any other? Then, we have the trips for you: vintage motorcycles (pre 1981), fully supported, guaranteed camaraderie, and scenic camping.

Our rides are mostly off-road (75% off road, 150-250 miles/day), including our Vintage 1000™ trips in Arizona, Oregon, the Smoky Mountains ,and Baja (~1000 miles, 5 days) and the Vintage 500 (~500 miles, 3 days).

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Vintage motorcycle endurance events since 2015

We started Speed Deluxe Vintage Adventures because we wanted to combine epic road trips with vintage motorcycles – two things we love. And, we’ve discovered others do too. So, we’re here to enable your adventures on your (present or future) vintage motorcycle.

It all started with the Vintage 1000.

Now in its ninth year, the Vintage 1000 was inspired by a conversation between Adam Sheard (Speed Deluxe) and his friend Chastin Brand after participating in a motocross race. Adam thought – what about an event involving riding vintage bikes (pre-1980) 1000 miles off-road over 5 days? Harking back to the days of enduro events where you have to fix your bike as you go and make it to pre-scheduled stop points each evening.

Some people think we’re nuts – we’re just having fun.

Learn more, and register for an event:

What makes our events different?


Vintage motorcycles

We think vintage bikes are made to be ridden. And, in the true spirit of the event, only vintage motorcycles (with only period-correct mods) are allowed. Some people might say we're addicted to Type 2 fun.


The people

Having the chance to meet new people who are also crazy enough to think that 1000 miles in 5 days (or 500 miles in 3 days) on a vintage bike (with vintage suspension) is a good idea is a definite perk of these trips. Many participants have walked away from the trip with new friendships. We think that's cool.


Roll-Chart Navigation

We don't have a lot of rules, but a major one is - NO GPS allowed. Navigation is by roll chart only, with support from actual paper overview maps, when needed. Old-school navigation for an old-school event.


Fully Supported

There are two trucks supporting the groups - one on/near the trail for pick-ups and another one prepping camp and taking care of food. Each person must still carry their own camping gear, clothes, and tools and spares, but we're there to help get to parts stores and get you moving again. And, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are included - all prepared by our chef.

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